The action has kept going at Speyside Wildlife’s Evening Wildlife Watching Hide, the winter days are now upon us with the first frosts of December - frosts are perhaps an understatement. It has been very snowy of late but that hasn't stopped the animals from coming, In fact it's most likely the reason they choose to come, now more than ever.
The male Pine Marten has been appearing, sometimes very early in a watch. When that happens it's a cause of great celebration and relief, given that it can take longer for a Pine Marten to show up, such is the nature of wildlife sightings. They can stay and feed for up to forty minutes and then descend the pair of Lawson's Cypresses when they are finished.
The Badger cubs are now looking grown up and have their winter coats on the same as the adults. There has been much less conflict within the group when they're feeding together now too as the cubs settle down.
With regards to other wildlife there are still Wood Mice that get seen as they dash about the platform looking for peanuts to grab and stash away to be eaten in peace and safety from the threats outside. Tawny Owls have been heard hooting nearby. It's the males that make the characteristic 'twit-ti woo' sound whereas the females make a shrieking 'tiwoo' sound.
If you would like your chance to see our nocturnal visitors head you can find out more information on our website and book your place today.