Here is our monthly update from our Evening Mammal Hide in the Cairngorms, near Aviemore.
Badgers - The Badgers have continued to amuse our visitors. There are at least eight Badgers that visit the hide now, all scavenging the small amounts of bait we put out for them. They still squabble, sometimes quite dramatically, but otherwise they’re peaceful and the family dynamics are settled.

Pine Martens - The male and female have been coming in, delighting our guests. Sometimes they’ve come down to the ground to look for additional food, perhaps any Wood Mice or Bank Voles that are within easy reach. Sometimes even leaving the hide via the ground, rather than in the tree tops. One time a Pine Marten was on the ground when a Badger was near - the Pine Marten’s tail had been wagging, a sign that it’s unhappy, although - the Badger seemed oblivious to it.

Wood Mice and Bank Voles - Each have been coming in, each experts at grabbing windows of opportunity to grab peanuts whilst avoiding the attention of the Badgers.
If you would like to book your chance to see our nocturnal visitors head over to: