The Speyside Wildlife Evening Hide in the Cairngorms National Park will probably always be one of our timeless classics. The Badgers have been coming in every day, feeding, squabbling, though most of the time getting on fine with each other. The microphone and speakers capture every sound they make during their visits, delighting our guests. The crack and crunch as they devour the peanuts always puts a smile on everybody’s faces.
The cubs could be brought along any day now, it’s supposed to be around June when this happens, if they have had cubs, but no sign has been seen yet.
The Pine Martens have come less often in the past fortnight, this could be due to having kits or simply the abundance of food at this time of year. They have been approaching along the path normally used by the Badgers and also coming into the platforms and feeding quite happily, amazing everyone who witnesses them. When finished they bound away across the logs and down the two Lawson’s Cypresses.
The Wood Mice and Bank Voles have been out and about as usual. Though it’s been noticed that although they live close to one another, they don’t always get on. A Wood Mouse was seen flying right at a Bank Vole when it got too near. They both dash furtively to grab the peanuts and they go scurrying right back into the tightest crevices at the first sign of danger. Some of them really push their luck. One Wood Mouse was seen feeding right next to a Badger stood on its hind legs licking peanut butter from the tree - but it got away safely.
Other wildlife has abounded too, during the day Blue Tits have been seen feeding their yellow faced youngsters, that quiver and spread their wings when they beg their parents to feed them. There are Coal Tits, Great Tits, Great Spotted Woodpeckers - two of them being males that squabble occasionally, Siskins, Greenfinches, Blackbirds, Robins and Dunnocks. At quieter times of the day, Roe Deer and for the first time a Red Deer hind was seen in the wet field below the hide. Moths have been a feature too and Brimstone Moth, Lunar Thorn and Elephant Hawkmoth were seen too.
Let there be more nights like this and if you wish to join me in the hide this summer, you can book online and for more information here.